Data Analysis ( 16 records)

Bayesian Calculator
Bayesian calculator
Engineering Statistics (NIST)
The goal of this handbook is to help scientists and engineers to incorporate statistical methods in their work as efficiently as possible. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Statistical Engineering Division) (Information Technology Laboratory)
Free Statistical Calculators
These statistics calculators are free to be used by scientists, researchers, students, or any other curious or interested party. These free statistics calculators are offered humbly in the hope that they will contribute in some small way to the advancement of science and the betterment of humanity. I hope they make your life a bit easier.
Glossary of Statistics Terms
You can use the "find" (find in frame, find in page) function in your browser to search the glossary.
Interactive Stats
The Interactive Statistical Pages project represents an ongoing effort to develop and disseminate statistical analysis software in the form of web pages. Utilizing HTML forms, CGI and Perl scripts, Java, JavaScript and other browser-based technologies, each web page contains within it (or invokes) all the programming needed to perform a particular computation or analysis.
Internet Glossary of Statistics
Persons unfamiliar with statistical analysis may find the entries easier to grasp if they are examined in the suggested learning order.
Javascripts Statistics
Cada JavaScript incluido en esta recopilación ha sido diseñado para asistirlo por lo menos por algunas horas cuando realice experimentaciones numéricas, como normalmente lo hacen los estudiantes en los laboratorios físicos. Estos objetos de aprendizaje son sus e-lab estadísticos.
Online Web Statistical Calculators
Online Web Statistical Calculators for Categorical Data Analysis.
R Project
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R.
Random is a website devoted to probability, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes, and is intended for teachers and students of these subjects. The site consists of an integrated set of components that includes expository text, interactive web apps, data sets, biographical sketches, and an object library.
Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis
SISA allows you to do statistical analysis directly on the Internet. Click on one of the procedure names below, fill in the form, click the button, and the analysis will take place on the spot. Study the user friendly guides to statistical procedures to see what procedure is appropriate for your problem.
Social Science Statistics
This web site offers free resources for students and researchers working with statistics in the social sciences. All the calculators and tools featured here have been designed with ease of use and clarity of presentation in mind. Certainly, you should find them much less cumbersome - and definitely less expensive! - than SPSS and the like.
Statistics Calculators Online
MathCracker offers a wide variety of Statistics calculators, that will perform step-by-step calculations for you. Such calculators come in all forms and shapes, some are very simple (such as for example, simple combinatorial coefficient calculations) and some conduct elaborate calculations (such as some non-parametric statistical test).
Statistics Kingdom
Statistical tests, charts, probabilities and clear results. Automatically checks assumptions, interprets results and outputs graphs, histograms and other charts. The statistics online calculators support not only the test statistic and the p-value but more results like effect size, test power, and the normality level. If one of the validations fails, the tool recommends a solution.
SticiGui is an online introductory Statistics "text" that includes interactive data analysis and demonstrations, machine-graded online assignments and exams (a different version for every student), and a text with dynamic examples and exercises, applets illustrating key concepts, and an extensive glossary.
Web Page of Phillip Stark (Berkeley)
Web interfase for statistical education. Our goal is to provide students and teachers of statistics easy access to a wide range of resources that are freely available on the internet. We invite you to explore our website and enjoy many wonderful statistical materials from around the world.





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Methodology Web is a database of scientific and technical resources in methodology found on the web. This site is a project of the Institu...